
The recent Heating and Cooling Strategy from Commission indicated that emissions related to energy used for heating and cooling of buildings can be significantly reduced with technologies which use renewable energy sources and have high efficiency. Taking this into consideration the SEADRION project aim to support the development of a regional innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian area with the installation of 3 renewable energy facilities in the public buildings located in Greece and western and south part of Adriatic Croatia. These facilities are seawater heat pump, an innovation system that uses the thermal energy contained in a reservoir (sea) to achieve the cooling and thermal energy in the buildings which are close to the sea. The main objective of the SEADRION is to identify benefits and barriers associated with the use of this technology and to find a system solution designed to improve the use of the seawater heat pump technology and to make the building's energy self-sufficient and independent of fossil fuels.

The main outputs of the SEADRION project are transnational seawater heat pump network to support sustainable development in ADRION region, science and technology cooperation between research institutions and enterprises to enhance innovation capacity of the heat pump sector with the aim to enhance their innovation skills, capacities and competencies and common strategy to enhance the use of seawater heat pump based heating and cooling in ADRION region.

The development of a business support network with innovative features, training as well as mediation and networking between enterprises will facilitate the specific innovation transfer and will increase the competitiveness of its members.

Pilot plant data Click the image below to access detailed information
Allocated stakeholders
  • Municipality of Lezhe, Directorate of Integration and Development Programs/Projects Sector

    Lezha lies in the northwestern part of the country. It is located only 55 km from the...

  • City of Šibenik

    Šibenik is a historic city in Croatia, located in central Dalmatia where the river Krka...


    ELETTROTEK is always attentive to the eco compatibility of energy systems. The company...

  • The University of Durres “Aleksander Moisiu”, Faculty of Professional Studies, Navigation and Maritime Management

    "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës, throughout its activity aims to continuously...

  • Baltur S.P.A.

    Dealing with the installation of various systems, Baltur will give to SEADRION their...

  • Solaris Albania

    Solaris Albania aims to design, install and maintain systems in a more efficient way...

  • Astir Egnatia Alexandroupoli Hotel

    Hotel is on the coast of Alexandroupolis and could be a potential user of this technology...

  • Province of Ancona

    In the territory of the Province of Ancona there are many tourist structures, among the...

  • Izaslanik Sunca j.d.o.o.

    Dealing with the installation of various systems, Izlazak Sunca will give us their point...

  • City of Poreč

    Poreč is a town and municipality on the western coast of the Istrian peninsula, in Istria...

  • Ministry of Environment and Energy

    The Ministry will implement a series of actions in collaboration with public administration...

  • SID Banka d.d.

    Bank is an important player for ensuring financial resources for implementation of investments...

  • Ipros d.o.o.

    Ipros is a company specialized in the heat exchanger and will give us their guidance...

  • Energetika Marketing d.o.o.

    Energetika marketing d.o.o. has established a comprehensive database of more than 20...

  • Klima 2000 d.o.o.


SEADRION materials

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SEADRION: Seawater heat pump operation experience

“SEADRION – Seawater heat pump operation experience” will be held via ZOOM Video Webinar on Tuesday, July 27th 2021. from 10:00 to 11:00 AM

This platform and its contents have been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the platform is the sole responsibility of the SEADRION Consortium, and it can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or ADRION Programme authorities.