Municipality of Durres, Directorate of Social Services and Directorate of Education, Culture, Youth, Sports and Religious Communities/ Department of Services and Public Works and Department of Legal, Education, Culture and Human Resources.

Subject type: local public authority

Durrës, is the second most populous city of the Republic of Albania. The city is the capital of the surrounding Durrës County. Located on the Adriatic Sea, it is the country's most ancient, economic and historic center. The municipality of Durrës, since it has high interest and involvement in projects such as the promotion of RES and energy savings, has developed: The ADRIACOLD project “Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Sources” which aims to spread the cooling and refreshing technologies using as a source of solar energy. This is a European project aimed at promoting cooling systems, benefiting from heat produced by solar panels, reducing the use of electricity for air conditioning.



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