The University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering
Subject type: Higher education and research
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering is a higher educational institution within the University of Zagreb. The Faculty organizes and conducts academic studies while engaging in the scientific work in the domain of engineering sciences including the scientific fields of mining, petroleum and geological engineering, making it the only Faculty in Croatia to do so as well as in the domain of natural sciences including the scientific fields of geology, making it one of the two faculties within Croatia that do so. As a research institution dealing with mining and geology, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering will be able to give their expertise regarding the possibilities of drilling for the seawater on the coastal part of Croatia.
Brief description
The activities of the Faculty are test drilling and sounding for construct on purposes, research and experimental development in natural and in technical sciences, architectural engineering and related technical consultancy, technical testing and analysis, expert environmental protection activities, hydrogeological and geophysical investigations and research, expert opinions related to environmental protection, environmental impact assessment, geology, mineral raw materials and mining, creation of mining exploration projects and project regarding the exploitation of mineral raw materials.
Relation to the project
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Products / innovations
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