Subject type: SME

ELETTROTEK is always attentive to the eco compatibility of energy systems. The company has invested and developed the green energy sector, favoring renewable energy in the solutions proposed and Energy efficiency to the customer. • Photovoltaic systems
• Thermal solar systems
• Complete renovation - Energy redevelopment
• Heat pump heating and cooling systems
• Radiant heating and cooling systems for floors, walls and ceilings
• Heating Systems with Termocamini
ELETTROTEK is already promoting heat pumps for heating and will give their expertise as a stakeholder of the project.



Brief description

ELETTROTEK is distinguished by the important and wide range of activities and "turnkey" services for individuals, companies and public bodies, related to the design, installation and maintenance of Electrical and thermo-hydraulic systems, both civil and industrial, Photovoltaic systems, Solar thermal systems, Cogeneration plants, Remote monitoring systems for production and / or energy consumption, Wiring of electrical panels, MV / LV transformation cabins, Public lighting systems, Home Automation, Conditioning

Relation to the project

No involvement

Products / innovations

Currently no innovations submitted to the platform

This platform and its contents have been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the platform is the sole responsibility of the SEADRION Consortium, and it can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or ADRION Programme authorities.