Deltaprojekt j.d.o.o.

Subject type: SME

Deltaprojekt j.d.o.o. is working on a lot of household projects as designer’s but also on heating system projects of larger scale as supervisors. In their work, they are promoting heat pumps as high-efficiency systems for heating. Deltaprojekt is already promoting heat pumps for heating and will give their expertise as a stakeholder of the project.



Brief description

Main activities of DELTAPROJET j.d.o.o. are design, supervision and energy certification.

Relation to the project

No involvement

Products / innovations

Currently no innovations submitted to the platform

This platform and its contents have been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the platform is the sole responsibility of the SEADRION Consortium, and it can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or ADRION Programme authorities.