Subject type: National public authority

CRES has accumulated extensive experience through its active participation in a large number of BE/RES/RUE/ES projects on both national, MED & international levels. CRES has participated in research & development & demonstration projects, energy policy studies, development of energy information systems & energy modeling, investment feasibility studies, technical & economic studies, environmental impact assessments, market research. CRES has significant experience in Interreg Programmes & will provide scientific background on green and blue energy technologies.



Brief description

The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) is the Greek organisation for Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Rational Use of Energy (RUE) and Energy Saving (ES). CRES has been appointed as the national co-ordination centre in its area of activity. Its main goal is the research and promotion of RES/RUE/ES applications at a national and international level, as well as the support of related activities, taking into consideration the principles of sustainable development.

Relation to the project

No involvement

Products / innovations

Currently no innovations submitted to the platform

This platform and its contents have been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the platform is the sole responsibility of the SEADRION Consortium, and it can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or ADRION Programme authorities.